Sunday, June 29, 2008

4th word!

One of Ella's favourite games that she learned from childcare is "row your boat". To play this game, one has to sit in front of Ella, grab both her arms and sing "Row, row, row your boat" while pushing her backwards and forwards. I doubt that she gets the connection between what rowing is and her swaying back & forth, but it's fun all the same.

Today Ella was playing with her 2nd favourite toy (Snow Tiger, pictured) on the coffee table when she started yelling "Row, row row". I looked up from reading the paper to see that she had Snow Tiger by the arms and was pushing him back & forth as she "sang". I was pretty impressed on two counts. Firstly that she realised she could play her games with Snow Tiger (i.e. this realisation will save me hours each day) and secondly we can now claim her 4th word: Row. (For reference, the first three were Dada, Mama and Banana respectively, except that Banana is pronounced "Nana" and collectively means anything edible, including the contents of the compost bin.)

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