Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another first

As a general rule between the time of 5pm - 7.30ish it's dinner, bath, playtime and then bed for Ella. Once she is tucked up in bed usually chatting away to Allison (her elephant), we organise our own dinner and sit down to eat sometime around 8pm.  Last night however we needed to go to an orienteering workshop (on event organisation and using the OE program) which started at 7.30. So we had to cook dinner really early (5.30pm).  House special was on the menu - pasta with cherry tomatoes, feta, pinenuts, olives and basil.  This meant we had our first real family dinner all sitting around the dining table. I'm not too sure how much Ella actually ate though - I think most of it ended up on the floor!

Anyway while I was typing this entry up another first occurred, this time it was Ella's first tumble off the couch! No major injury - just a few tears....


Neil said...

Hi Nat,
Martin pointed me at your blog and it is great to see that everything is going well. Things here haven't really changed at all (apart from the fact that I have two twin daughters).


Ella said...

Does that mean you have 4 daughters, or just two??

Neil said...

only two daughters (else it would be two sets of twin daughters). Which is enough to keep me busy and stop me do
enough orienteering and cycling as I might otherwise like.
