Sunday, June 1, 2008

Projects, projects & projects.

Over the weekend while Ella was napping, we managed to get a few projects done. Andy installed new fans in the bathroom and toilet which will enable us to claim $500 back from our energy audit. Just got to submit the paperwork.

Also Andy almost finished our new letterbox, which he designed and constructed.  The legs need a 2nd coat of paint before being attached on to the letterbox.  I predict that it will be in the ground when I return from work on dad-at-home-Tuesday (I hope Andy is reading this!)

Meanwhile I started my next project - restoring a toy box from my childhood.  I hope to paint, re-cover the yellow vinyl lid with some child resistant fabric and add a chalkboard to the front. I do have memories of being squashed while trying to retrieve something from it, so to prevent various head and finger injuries to Ella I think it would be wise to attach some sort of mechanism to prevent the lid from slamming down - I'm sure I'll find something at Bunnings to do the trick.


Anonymous said...

How do you get an energy rebate for fitting fans? Does the rising heat turn them and generated electricity?

Ella said...

Ok well we actually have to spend $2000 on things that will improve our energy efficiency. So we spent $1850 on blinds for our windows - not quite enough to get the rebate. The existing exhaust fans in the bathroom and toilet were open letting all the warm air escape into the roof cavity. Andy got these ones which close when they are not in use and hence got us over the $2000 by a few $$$.