Sunday, July 6, 2008

Terrorist Attack in Aston Cres!!

Some of our regular readers will remember our famous letterbox saga -- see here and here if you don't. Most of us thought that the letterbox saga was done & dusted by now, but tragedy struck again last night.

It was about 2:30 am when there was a loud explosion in the street. Nat heard it, but I (accustomed to sleeping through crying baby noises, and tired from watching the tour until 1:00 am) managed to sleep through it. Nat did think to mention the explosion in the morning -- how loud it was and how close it seemed, but neither of us twigged until we went out the front and ... our famous letterbox was in pieces. A couple of firecracker wrappers and the smell of gunpowder on the shards of letterbox was enough to confirm our suspicions that the state of the letterbox was due to last nights explosion.

I've uploaded a couple of images for you all to see the state of the devastation. The first shows the state of the box itself, while the second shows how far some of the shards were thrown by the force of the explosion. Naturally, the anti-terrorist squad arrived, took samples of the firecracker material, fingerprints (just Nat's, Ella's, the postman's and my own - the terrorists must have worn gloves) and have drawn up a list of suspects to interrogate. We expect to hear about arrests shortly.

Right now we're scratching our head on two counts. Firstly, Why did they do it? Has Ella been making enemies at childcare already? Is it religious fundamentalists enraged by my atheism? Or was it just random? Secondly, How do we react? Should we rebuild immediately in the same style? Perhaps it will just get blown to smithereens again. Try another design option? Or just put up the old (safer) letterbox?


Coach Christine said...

You were asking for it with the previous post really, weren't you?

Not guilty though - we were a few thousand miles away.

Anonymous said...

How about getting one of those cameras you can buy for bird boxes?!

acejase said...

is it funny yet guys?

Neil said...

sorry to hear about your mail box. Although as a kid turning fireworks into explosives was something we always did (but I didn't blow up anything).

More importantly what do you think of Cadel Evans' chances in the tour? I don't see him as a winner since he never
seems to attack but is too content to come second.
