Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Visitor!

Our friend, Fish (aka Stewart Fishwick) arrived last night for a 2 week stint in Canberra - working and visiting all of his old haunts.  Ella did her best, at 2 am, to announce that she was in the house - probably just as Fish was drifting off to sleep after arriving from Perth late that evening.  I wasn't too impressed as this waking in the middle of the night business is becoming a little too often for my liking.  It's not helped when Andy is snoring away not even waking to her cries!

Anyway today, after overcoming her initial boy phobia, Ella warmed to Fish.  In the afternoon we all rode down to the markets for coffee meeting up with Stace, Jo, BA, Jase, Zoe and Abby.

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