Monday, October 12, 2009

Clockwork Katy

I thought by now that Katy would be in some sort of routine but apparently the word routine isn't in her vocabulary...yet! So as for sleep Katy began waking up once per night around the age of 6 weeks. Shortly after that we decided to do a dream feed - that is feed her at about 10.30pm in hope that she sleeps until 6am. It worked for the first week but after that she regressed to waking up at 3am. Our rational was 'it will take her a little time to get used to it.' so we persevered with it for about another 6 weeks with random successes but mostly failures. So a few weeks ago we were soooo tired that we gave up the dream feed.

Since then each night has been a different scenario. Last night was a historic moment in time when Ella and Katy both slept from 8pm until 6.30am! It's a pity we didn't get to bed until midnight due to an Easter Twenty10 meeting....

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