Monday, December 5, 2011

One year on

Last week we had a very impressive storm which included 4 bouts of hail. The girls thought this was exciting. Pippa on the other hand wasn't so impressed. During the late afternoon she could sense the approaching storm and while we were all at work and school, she managed to scratch the laundry door to bits and them lock herself in the toilet!

Back to the hail - the stones were actually quite large and I was able to retrieve some before they melted in my hand. We discussed with the girls about water freezing to become ice and thus rain freezes and becomes hail. As the clouds became darker and rain began to fall the following day, Ella wanted to know when it was going to hail so the ice blocks could fall down!!

We shouldn't complain about all the rain. It's great for the garden. In fact it's almost a year since the large eucalypt out the front fell over in a storm. It's amazing to see how much our front garden has changed in that time.

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