Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Singing in the rain ...

Catching the bus to daycare is a great daddy-daughter bonding exercise, and something we like to do every week or two. But the catch is that the walk across campus is about 15 mins for a grown adult, and double that for an easily distracted toddler.

For this reason we often try to intersect with a cross-campus bus which we stay on for just 3 stops. But roadworks on the corner of ANU blocked our normal route last week, so today we decided to walk from town. An interesting trip. The bus was choccas, it was pouring rain, and it turns out that umbrellas aren't so waterproof when you're not strong enough to hold them up properly. Toddlers also walk slower when they're carrying an umbrella. Nonetheless, they both plugged on and we reached daycare sodden but happy, and only half an hour later than normal...

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