Monday, May 25, 2015

A Visitior

Last week I went into the garage on different days only to discover a similar scenario - random boxes or other small things knocked onto the floor. At first I thought nothing of it. After the third time I questioned Andy and we both came to the same conclusion that it was highly likely that we had a visitor tucked up somewhere thinking this was their new home after leaving the garage door open one night last week.

The next morning after I left for work, Andy while getting the girls bike out to ride to school prodded the double bed mattress the most obvious place for such a visitor to be residing.  Sure enough this little face poked out! With no time to deal with the situation immediately, it was resigned to the 'tonight to do list!'

And so that evening under the cover of darkness the possum was coaxed out of the warm sheltered garage (that had no food) with some apple. According to Andy as soon as the garage door began to lower, the possum doubled back on the top of the fence hoping to get back in. Luckily he was too slow for that! Let's hope that we have no such visitors when the roof is being replaced!

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