Sunday, December 13, 2015

No Gap

It seems like forever that Katy's adult front tooth has been  descending behind her baby tooth resulting in the baby tooth being pushed forward. We showed Katy's shark tooth to the dentist who seemed rather unconcerned and told us that it would eventually fall out which it did at school (several months later) thanks to the cord of her hat while lining up outside! Unfortunately Katy along with others searched and searched for her tooth but it couldn't be located! 

Back at home, Katy wrote a little letter to the tooth fairy explaining her problem.

Dear tooth fairy
at aranda primary school I lost my tooth after the boys toilet not the first drain go along the path to the double door in the drain or on the right. I hope you fid it.
Love from katy hogg.

And of course the tooth fairy didn't seem to mind and wrote back...

Dear Katy
Thankyou for the lovely note! I will look for your tooth next time I am passing Aranda Primary School and leave it for you.
Love the tooth fairy.

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