Sunday, February 28, 2016

Hanging Out with Grandad

Andy was in Melbourne for the week attending the AMOS conference where he received another award. This time it was the Priestley Medal which commemorates the life-long contributions of Dr C H B Priestley to meteorological and oceanographic research. The medal is awarded  biennial to scientists in their mid-careers for personal excellence in meteorological, oceanographic or climate research carried out substantially within Australia.

So Grandad took the opportunity to come over, again slotting nicely into our school/work routine. To prevent him from being too bored during the day, we set a handyman wish list for him. As per normal Grandad brought the Perth hot weather with him limiting outside work during the day. Despite this he did a great job managing to tick off several things on the wish list as well as the day-to-day boring stuff.

We had fun at the nut playground after school...

We all tried dragon fruit for the very first time!!

We bought 8 white cloud fish for the fish pond while getting the water tested. Results were very healthy, just waiting for the algae bloom to subside.....

And Grandad showed us his expert lawn bowling technique! We all enjoyed trying our lawn bowling skills with my work colleagues. It was a great afternoon. Ella loved having a go while Katy was more content playing with the younger kids on the playground!

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