Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Another Grandad Installment

Grandad arrived a week later than expected, so unfortunately missed the tail end of the school holidays. Nevertheless it was the usual 24/7 action station here when Grandad arrives. Katy was pumped to have Grandad staying in her room. She loves waking up before the sun, climbing into Grandad's bed for a snuggle and chat. Some morning they count the possums on the fence before they both drift off again for a second sleep! Reading is also a favourite pastime too!

It was school routine as normal although the girls skipped afters on Thursday afternoon opting to spend an afternoon with Grandad which almost always includes an ice cream!

Little Aths season began and Grandad watched the girls complete their various events. We had a minor panic as we discovered Katy had put her last season aths top on! A quick ride home while they were doing the warm up fixed that small problem!! Here are some action shots taken by the club photographer who does a great job each week snapping the athletes in action!


Saturday night the girls had invited all the grandies for a dinner and movie night. The girls recently purchased Alice Through the Looking Glass and were eager to watch it. The movie was great although it didn't follow much of the original storyline.

The following week the early mornings were taking a toll on everyone. Grandad fell ill with a tummy bug on Tuesday. Thankfully it was only a 24hour thing and he was back to normal by Wednesday.

We visited the library to stock up on books. With an unlimited borrowing rights, a month's return date and a love of reading, the girls tend to choose lots of books. They of course love scanning their own books. After the library on Friday afternoon we made a last minute dash to check out Weber barbecues. Our trusty 4 burner barbecue, has seen better days, especially the hot plate which was loosing it's coating.

And 40 minutes later, we walked out of the shop with a Family Weber Q! Thanks to Grandad and Nana for the birthday/christmas present :) Back home and the boys went straight to work building it. Goodbye old barbecue, you've had a good innings.

Unfortunately Grandad flew out the next afternoon and was unable to sample Andy's roast chicken birthday dinner which not only looked awesome but tasted divine. No matter I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities in the new year.

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