Friday, February 17, 2017

Job Jar

A few years ago we tried to get the girls to do jobs for money. It was ok but didn't really last for very long. Recently we instigated a scheme - jobs for iPad/ screen time jar (thanks Annwen for the idea). 

How does it work? Well very simply...each child has different coloured popsticks A job and time equivalent is written on each popstick. Once a job has been completed, the popstick is moved to the iPad jar. Then as the opportunity arises, they can cash in the popsticks for screen time.

The beauty of this scheme is in the flexibility of the jobs and time equivalent. We can add or take away jobs plus change the time to place more emphasis on jobs that we would like them to do, or ones they aren't very good at doing! At the moment the girls like to fold the washing earning them a large chunk of time (15mins) but are reluctant to make their bed (5mins). Anyway it's early days but the job jar seems to be working with the girls often looking for jobs to do which makes a nice change from me badgering them :)


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