Thursday, May 18, 2017

Autumn has Arrived!

Autumn is such a magical and colourful time in the garden with all the deciduous trees. The Chinese Pistachio out the front blankets the lawn and deck with golden yellow and orange leaves. The crepe myrtle turns a lovely shade of burnt orange while the maple's leaves are deep red. On a sunny clear day these colours seem even more vibrant.

This year I have brought some Hyacinth bulbs inside. The idea is to try to grow them a clear glass container in water. This way you are able to watch the roots develop and the plant bud then blossom. We will see how we go...

In other news around the house, Midnight and Maggie have made the transition from the laundry rabbit hutch to the chicken coop outside. Holly has done her best to make the chicks feel welcome, only giving them the occasional peck to let them know who is boss!

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