Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Cock a doodle do

Turns out that we have 2 roosters!

Basil (nee Rosemary) was the first to find his voice at 6am in the morning with some interesting renditions!

Meanwhile Juniper (nee Jasmine) hadn't quite worked it out but had all the other features of a rooster - large comb and wattles!

In a stroke of luck, neither rooster made it to the reptile zoo to be the pythons dinner. Juniper went with our neighbours to their new property in Gundaroo, while Basil joined another fellow rooster (from over the back fence) and also relocated to a farm in Murrumbateman.

Meanwhile the remaining chickens are all growing lovely. Mystery looks like she is keeping her neck feathers, Willow is catching up in size to Clover and Maple is a pretty little thing. Hopefully we will finally be getting eggs soon after nearly a year of drought!

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