Thursday, January 31, 2019

Passerelle Saint Laurent

Recently while walking to pick up Katy from school, I decided to go via the butcher thus taking the longer route over the pedestrian bridge. Arriving at the Passerelle Saint Laurent, I was surprised to see barriers blocking it off with these posters nearby. Luckily the next bridge is close by, which meant I could continue on my way.

Back home I decided to investigate the fete as implied in the poster. Turns out that the Passerelle Saint Laurent, was the first bridge built by the romans that connected the two banks of the Isere. Unbeknownst to us, the historical suspension bridge had been closed since late 2017 as extensive renovation work were undertaken - the deck of the bridge was replaced, the bridge totally dismantled and asbestos removed. Anyway, the fete was a celebration of inauguration of the newly renovated bridge.

We wander up to the bridge in the misty rain not sure what to expect. A large crowd had gathered and were being entertained by a circus street performance. Interesting mix of juggling, acrobatic moves, and people on stilts all to do their stuff to music! The performance comes to an end before the dignitaries had arrive.

The crowd becomes slightly restless but are entertained by two kayakers riding the rapids below the bridge! Quickly the girls become bored of standing in the rain waiting but then the crowd started to countdown followed by the bridge being lit up! We snap a few photos before bumbling our way through the crowd crossing the bridge.

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