Wednesday, October 27, 2021

A Close Call

Poor old Willow was looking very sick in the chicken coop. She was not moving and could barely hold her head up. After close inspection, we couldn't see any outward signs of a problem with Willow so we popped her inside the chicken house thinking that she wouldn't survive the night.

In the morning we were surprised to find Willow still with us. Katy decided to do some research on sick chickens. Internet veterinary advice was to place her inside a box with a towel over the top in order  to keep her warm. We relocated Willow to the laundry hoping to keep a closer eye on her.

Both of her eyes were closed by this stage and she still looked like she would pass away at any moment. Every so often, we would place her beak into a small dish of sugared water and she happily swallowed a few drops. 

Another night passed and Willow was still hanging on. She was looking a bit perkier and Katy thought she could go back to the coop. Slowly Willow regained her strength and was back to normal - wandering and scratching around in the coop with both eyes open. Willow survival was definitely a direct result of Katy's care! 

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