Sunday, April 24, 2022

More Long Weekends, More Gardening!

The gardening slashing continued for a second long weekend. The acacia at the front had become too big, crowding the surrounding trees and plants. Sometime ago, I gave it a haircut in attempt to help those plants around it. Not sure it did much but recently I'd noticed that the very tips of the acacia were looking rather sad and dry. I suspect it was either coming to the end of its life or it hasn't liked the recent wet weather. Either way it gave me a reason to remove it! So another few trips to the green waste. I also took out another hydrangea making way for a third waratah.

The front garden looks very different without it - and especially now (as I write this post a month later) it looks sparse as the leaves have fallen from all the deciduous trees. I've taken more photos of the front for posterity sake as our neighbours house will be going soon...

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