Monday, February 13, 2023

New Venue

The 2022/23 Little Athletics season began in a disastrous way. With heavy rainfall early in the season, our local grass oval became water logged. A few days of sunshine but not warm enough to dry up the pools of water, meant the grass grew and grew. Unfortunately the mowing team were unable to use their mowers in fear of being bogged and still the grass grew and grew. Little aths therefore had been called off for a few weeks in a row.

By the third week, an adhoc program was designed - no running on the oval, instead a cross country style race, long jump and two throws using the throwing circles.

Still the ground was soggy and the grass long so as another Saturday approached, breaths were held to see if the ACT moving team would arrive. No luck. Our club joined another local club to hire the tartan track at the AIS for our morning meet. Despite being a little chaotic it was great.

Again focus returned to the Cook oval during the week as we all patiently waited for the arrival of the mowers and low and behold they turned up on the Thursday!! But they only mowed half of the oval!!! So the committee took matters into their own hands and mowed two lanes on the circular track and raked the recently clumps of mowed grass off the remaining areas. The program was again modified to accomodate the less than ideal oval.

The Christmas break couldn't come sooner really.

By the start of the New Year, the oval was looking fair. After a few weeks though the committee decided given the huge success with the AIS meet with Ginninderra to book another meet there. Again it was a great morning with lots of smiles and nice for the kids to compete on a proper track.

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