Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Life Plodding Along

While Andy was overseas for 3 weeks in the UK and Berlin, life in Canberra continued to plod along. The girls were entertaining themselves during the holiday wile I was at work.

While the windscreen on the car was being replaced, Ella and I began the process of looking for formal dresses. We were completely unsuccessful in Fyshwick but dropped into a shop in Manuka on the way home.

Ella tried on several different styles. The shop owner was lovely in her advice and Ella was very keen on one dress but it was the wrong size. 

Meanwhile Ella tried on dresses from friends including this one.... which may look familiar to those who came to our wedding - our bridesmaids wore it!!

Indi is well and getting fluffier. The recent sunsets at Tuesday might intervals have be awesome - although Indi might not appreciate them as much as I do as she if often more concerned about spotting rabbits...

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