Monday, April 1, 2024

Day 3 Easter

Last day and the blazing sun has thankfully been tucked behind clouds...Narrinyeri Hills almost on our backdoor! The terrain was described as rocky hillside with mallee scrub, native pines and low scrubby vegetation reducing visibility.

The day provided lots of action and drama! Ella's knee was a big problem but she decided to start her course and see what happened. Turns out that by the first control she could barely bend her knee to run and walked the remainder of the course with one of the Tassie orienteers who was also having trouble.

Meanwhile Andy's dodgy hamstring which restricted his ability to run proved to be an advantage with him taking the win for his course and  leap frogging others into 3rd place overall!

We didn't hang around for presentations as we were to begin our long drive home. We with a group of others had booked in to stay the night at Tooleybuc on the Victorian / NSW border about a 4.5 hr drive. The drive was not particularly pleasant due to heavy rain and then evening falling but we made it there without incident. Dinner at the country club was relaxing.

It was an early start the next morning with a full day of driving back to Canberra. Easter 2024 will go down with lots of memories - the houseboat was fantastic, the orienteering was ok and by the end o the weekend there was not a healthy, strong one amongst us! Needless to say we were all looking forward to lots of recovery!

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