Monday, July 14, 2008

Commuting to Childcare

Andy has been wanting to ride in with Ella to childcare for several months. The only time he has (when she was 10 months old) resulted in tears and Andy having to stop and walk/push the bike towards the end. After that Andy went away, then it was too rainy, then too cold.
Recently Makhaya kindly lent Ella his michelin man blue furry suit which was intended for skiing. However Andy seized the opportunity and decided it would be perfect for her to ride to childcare in.
So the day finally arrived when it wasn't too cold (7C) and it wasn't rainy. All suited up - off they went!  Apparently she enjoyed the ride, wasn't too cold and was still smiling by the time they got to childcare.  Successful on all accounts - so much so that they rode home as well.

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