Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mr and Mrs Hairy Legs Update

We returned home from our walking adventure to find Mr and Mrs Hairy Legs gone although the cling wrap on the top of the bowl was still there. On closer inspection we spotted this...

and a little harder to see in this photo - if you look carefully you will see the orange stripe of the second caterpillar who was also busy making a cocoon covered with a few leaves!

Now we wait, checking everyday for any signs of action which I am led to believe may take months......

Also while we were watching for the first bird to inspect Ella's bird feeder which has found a home in the snow gum, Ella spotted from inside her bedroom Mr and Mrs Hairy Legs cousin!! He was almost double their size thanks to the on tap supply of juicy leaves!

So he also made it on to our daily watch list. Numerous visitors were introduced to him too. Sadly though yesterday morning he was nowhere to be seen. We are hoping he has gone in search of a stringybark tree in which to make his home and transform into a beautiful big moth.

Progress on Mr and Mrs Hairy Legs cocoons has been interesting. I'm a little concerned about the one with the leaves covering it as it seems smaller and less healthy looking. Meanwhile the other one has puffed up quite a lot and now has many tiny brown spines protruding from the outer surface of the cocoon!

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