Saturday, January 9, 2016

Reno - Before and Afters

Finally a few before and afters of the renos. We still haven't signed off from the builder....just several mostly minor adjustments to make or finish off before we hand over the final instalment of cash plus the festive season got in the way!

What used to be Ella's room is now our room!

The old dining room is now more like an entry way.


Looking down the corridor to the bedrooms except now there is no corridor just a beautiful wood fire!

Looking into the old kitchen which only had a few minor changes.

The old kitchen from another angle and now looking into the new open plan living area!

Looking out from the corner of the old kitchen into now a large open dining area!

From the front door looking down the corridor which is no longer a corridor!

From the corner of our old bedroom and the walls are no longer there!

No before photo from this angle but I would have been standing in our bedroom!

And same for this one when I would be standing in the corridor looking into a wall!

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