Our mothers group decide to venture to the local library for storytime. It was ok except for the librarian who was best described by one of the mothers as having as much personality as a wet blanket. Anyway a change of scenery and time outside is all a toddler needs.
The cool part of this mornings trip was our encounter with a local busker who was singing and playing his guitar outside the entrance to Woolies. Our first pass (going into Woolies) I thought he was quite a good singer. The next pass (coming out of woolies and into newsagent) he was chatty saying hello. On the final pass (coming out of the newsagent) he beckoned us over and said he had a song for Ella. The busker had noticed Ella's elephant which was tucked under her arm and started singing...
heydy, heydy ho
the great big elephant is so slow
he moves his trunk from side to side
as he takes the children for a ride
heydy , heydy ho
the great big elephant is so slow...
Ella burst into a big smile and started swaying from side to side in time with the song at which point I decided that the busker had earnt a tip. At the conclusion of the song I explained to him Ella's elephant name was in fact Heydy.