Katy thinks Fridays are a great cause there is lots of fun with Mum! Today was no different. After waving goodbye to Ella and Daddy and a quick vacuum of the house it's off to Tiny Tots at the YMCA. Lots of walking, climbing and playing over, under and through loads of fun equipment.
Next was a trip to the airport to pick up Grandpa who was returning from a conference in NZ. Had to hang around at the airport for over an hour due to the late arrival of his plane. No matter Katy thought it was great to walk up and down the length of the airport - attracting numerous smiles from strangers.
Once back at home it was music time for Katy.

We organised ourselves for the BBQ dinner (more on that later) before venturing over to the Dee's. As Stace, Dave (and pebbles) are on a long weekend in Sydney, we needed to feed Duffy, their cat.
Then it was off to the Cook Community Hub for a BBQ dinner with the McCrae/Allison, Jones/Walter and the Walders families. A great spot - kids playing in park while the adults were cooking and eating. Beautiful evening too.We had such an enjoyable evening that it may actually become a regular event.
Abby & Zoe cooking their dinner.
Max on his bike; Mica, Tom & Emily