Friday, December 23, 2011

Daddy Holiday

I decided this year I would try to take a few solid weeks off work around Christmas, and that started last Monday. I had two kid-free days, and then (with Nat working full-time this week) spent the remaining three days running around after Katy & Ella. Wednesday was mostly occupied by going swimming at CISAC, while today I had some Xmas food to buy. But crunch-time came on Thursday when we had to go buy presents for Mummy.

Ella & Katy had the option of riding down to the Mall, or catching the bus to town with the added bonus of a promised ride on the famous old Canberra merry-go-round. The vote was unanimous for town, with only abstention, and so we piled into the bus and soon found ourselves wandering around the Canberra Centre. The trip was mostly successful, and the merry-go-round was saved until the end.

Now, the last expedition to the merry-go-round (with Granddad while I was away) ended with Katy refusing to go on and Ella enjoying herself; this time around Katy was full of bravado all morning, but when the time came she would only get on her little horse if I sat there with her. Even then, there was trepidation in the air when we started up, and it was only in the last part of the ride that she began to warm up. After we stopped at last (I was feeling a little dizzy, to be honest, by this stage) I thought I would try to get a picture of the happy monkeys -- but as soon as I let go of Katy the floodgates open. So, readers, you will have to accept my assertion that Katy now enjoys the merry-go-round, although the photographic evidence doesn't really back me up...

Friday, December 16, 2011


Each year we gather a special group of close friends together to celebrate christmas. Over the years the group has expanded with new additions and this year was no different with Jackson and Alma experiencing their first christmas.

To kick off the festivities the children had a xmas treasure hunt...running around the front and back yards before discovering the treasure - bubble wands and chocolate. This kept them entertained until lunch was ready!

Treasure Hunt Abby and Zoe (above) Katy and Ella (below)

Mica and the treasure!

Under the beautiful shade of the pistashio tree out the front we enjoyed a bbq followed by opening of the secret santa presents, complimented by delicious desserts and a very relaxing afternoon. I couldn't think of a better way to spend a saturday.

Yummy food - Jackson, Max & Mira, Ella

The gang patiently waiting for presents

More playing...Abby, Mira

Swinging around - Max & Zoe

Bouncing around - Katy, Mira, Sophia & Mica

Nice One Daddy

The Australian Academy of Science recognises and supports the outstanding contributions to the advancement of science. The honorific awards were recently announced. These are divided in two categories: awards of medals and prizes are made to early career scientists under the age of 40, and the prestigious career awards are made to scientists for life-long achievement.

Andy was awarded the Frederick White Prize which recognises the achievements of scientists in Australia who are engaged in research of intrinsic scientific merit which has an actual or potential contribution to community interests, to rural or industrial progress or to the understanding of natural phenomena. As part of the award Andy will be giving a lecture at the Shine Dome in May 2012.

Santa Second Time Around

We were at the mall yesterday finishing off xmas shopping and posting presents when we spotted Santa there again!! Ella was super excited and Katy still wasn't quite sure. However I managed to talk Katy into having Iggle Piggle take the photo of Santa, Ella and herself. There were a few tears but somehow they stopped long enough to get one decent shot.

Monday, December 5, 2011

One year on

Last week we had a very impressive storm which included 4 bouts of hail. The girls thought this was exciting. Pippa on the other hand wasn't so impressed. During the late afternoon she could sense the approaching storm and while we were all at work and school, she managed to scratch the laundry door to bits and them lock herself in the toilet!

Back to the hail - the stones were actually quite large and I was able to retrieve some before they melted in my hand. We discussed with the girls about water freezing to become ice and thus rain freezes and becomes hail. As the clouds became darker and rain began to fall the following day, Ella wanted to know when it was going to hail so the ice blocks could fall down!!

We shouldn't complain about all the rain. It's great for the garden. In fact it's almost a year since the large eucalypt out the front fell over in a storm. It's amazing to see how much our front garden has changed in that time.

Friday, December 2, 2011


We were at the mall yesterday when a christmas elf came along handing out stickers. Ella was instantly memorised! 'Where is santa, Mum?" she asked looking around. Sometime later as we passed the main stage area but were one floor up, Ella peered down and spotted Santa! Watching other children climb into his sleigh Ella excited said "I want to ask Santa for some lego." Hmm I'm thinking...what a difference 12 months make. Obviously santa and christmas is a hot topic at childcare because we haven't discussed any of this at home.

Off we go down the lift to meet up with Santa. Both Ella and Katy have only ever had 1 santa photo taken - both when they were 8 months old. So I thought it would be nice to have one with them together. Despite being only 3rd in line it took sometime before it was our turn.

Ella happily climbs into Santa's sleigh and chats away to him. Meanwhile Katy burst into tears as soon as we walked up the ramp!! No amount of distraction (even ella's teddy taking the photo - which got a smile) could make santa seem less scary! So no photo this time. We may try again if the opportunity arises.

Luckily for Katy, Ella informed us that not only did she ask for lego and a cinderella doll for herself but she also asked santa to bring Katy an ariel doll. What a lovely big sister :)