Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 40 & 41

The gyprocking continues to go up making the house take shape but seem smaller as you can't see through the walls anymore! There is still heaps of mess everywhere and the toilet is still there....

Our bedroom...

Skylight in the ensuite...

The laundry door/ window is replaced with a new window

Weatherboard cladding continues to go up on the outside

Another One Down for Katy!

It's been threatening to happen for over a week now and it finally did at school today. This is tooth number 3 for Katy and another one at the bottom. Luckily it wasn't swallowed like the last one but simply slipped out. Let's hope the tooth fairy is on her best behaviour tonight!

Katy's class is focusing on Families this term and I spotted a few pieces of her work up in her classroom this week!

Renos - Day 39

Lots of little areas of progress!

The weatherboard cladding begins to go up.

Our wardrobes are finally removed with the cavity slider in position.

 More gyprock goes up.... on the living area wall

in the ensuite

in our bedroom

in the laundry 

relocation of the manhole in the laundry 

and the skylight in the laundry

in Ella's room

in the bathroom

down the corridor

 Removal of the air intake

Monday, June 22, 2015

Renos - Day 38

Thought I'd get in on the action today! With Andy overseas, it proved to be too difficult to paint windows over the weekend solo with both girls. I did manage to mostly prep Ella's window by removing the finger prints and giving it a sand ready for some painting today.

After school drop off, I headed for a coffee waiting for the day to warm up to the minimum requirement of 10°C as stated on the paint tin. I was greeted to the view of the final layout of the living area with the removal of the kitchen wall! Wow - I'm impressed!

View from the kitchen.

Looking into the kitchen from the laundry door.

Into the kitchen from our bedroom.

Looking down the old corridor to the front door.

View from the backdoor into the living area.

A little more sanding and planing (thanks Tom) to remove the sealant paint Andy had overeagerly applied a few weeks ago before I could begin my work. Managed to complete both sides of Ella's two windows plus the kitchen window (which is yet to be installed) in the few hours the girls were at school.

Meanwhile there were a myriad of people on site again. Paul, Tom and Matt were there tinkering away in the roof, plus 3 plasterers who were busy ferrying gyprock inside and began work on the ceilings in the girls rooms installing insulation as they went.

The heating guy had been and gone by the time I arrived but Paul was pretty excited with his extra skills of discovering 2 possums hiding inside a heating duct. Quick thinking saw both ends of the duct taped up with the possums inside! A little road trip to the local nature reserve saw these two fur balls returned to their natural environment! Hopefully they found somewhere nice to reside.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Where Would You Rather Be?

Weekend comparison!

This is Andy's....

And this is mine....

Technology failures

So I've been hit with two recent technology failures. First occurred last weekend while at the house. The girls pack a bag of things to do as a back up if their neighbourhood friends are out, busy, sick etc.. and usually in their bags are Ella's iPad (Andy's old, old work one) and my iPad (nice relatively new mini). So with Katy being friendless, she pulled out my iPad and continued to entertain herself on a cushion in the sun while Andy and I were busy painting. Unfortunately she got up to move and in the process drop my iPad and subsequently smashed the screen :(

Failure number two happened sometime between Thursday afternoon (last used) and Saturday morning (noticed missing). Plugged into the usb port of our car and hidden in the middle console is Andy's old iPhone which we use to play music while driving. Or should I say was! Seems that someone has decided to take it for themselves while the car was unlocked. If only they knew that the battery lasts probably a whole 5 minutes! Things like that are so annoying!

Now I'm just waiting for number three.....

Renos - Day 37

Usually on the way home from work either of us or both of us or all of us drop in to the see the changes the day has brought. Last night when we stopped by, the girls who seems to have lost a little enthusiasm for checking things out stayed in the car, while Andy and I donned torches and explored inside. We were greeted by several others who were also checking things out.....thanks little possums for holding the fort while we are away!!

The sun was shinning once again and the roof sheeting was delivered. The roof is 98% complete with a few sections of gutters and ridge capping to go. The plumber and sparky were both on site today progressing to the next stage.

A few different angles of the open plan area.....

From our bedroom.

From near the front door.

The corner for the wood fire!

From the laundry.

Looking towards the kitchen from our bedroom

From the dinning table.

And again from the dining table.

Old wall and roof timbers in the temporary 'nails-to-be-removed-and-pieces-to-be-sawn' woodpile!

Delivery of the new wood fire.

The return air waiting to be relocated from near the front door into the wall of the new laundry.

And at the end of the day we said a teary goodbye to Andy who has gone overseas for two weeks.

Renos - Day 34, 35 & 36

And did it rain....for 3 day straight! Luckily there was so much to do inside!

The remaining walls came down (laundry, toilet and bits of the bathroom) and wow what a difference! Numerous cavity sliders appeared and the bath is now in place.

View from the backdoor

View from kitchen

New bath tub

Our old toilet still remains...looking down the new corridor