Grandad's awesome Autumn Holiday Program was packed full of fun and excitement.
On Monday, due to an unfavourable forecast, we went rock climbing.
Tuesday saw Grandad take the girls to the movies where they watched the Smurfs: The Lost City. Grandad liked that one!

By Wednesday Grandad needed a well deserved rest so the girls attended the school vacation care program whose theme for the day was building cubby houses. We headed out for dinner that night to Locale, a pizza/pasta place in Deakin which was very yummy.
Thursday, Grandad and the girls caught the bus to Belconnen where the Loritz Circus was performing. From all accounts, the show was a huge success.
Good Friday saw us drive about an hour south to Corin Forest. We had fun riding the bob sled before the Great Easter Egg Hunt began. I rode with Katy who was too young to go by herself.
The crowd had swelled in the meantime and as we were hunting frogs in a nearby pond, we missed the start to the hunt. This resulted in Katy unable to find any eggs, while Ella manage to secure two eggs, only to give one to a little boy who didn't have any and the other to Katy.

We decided to leave this beautiful but crowded spot and stop at Gibraltar Falls which we had past on our way up. It seems that others had this plan too and the carpark there was packed. I managed not to get stuck, scrap any other cars and find a spot to park. It was a short walk descending rocky stair to view the falls which have an impressive 50m drop.
Then it was home again in time for Grandad to pack his bags, have a bite to eat before catching his plane back to Perth. We all had a lovely time creating many special memories.