Monday, April 26, 2021

Growing Up

Ella turned 14!! One of her birthday wishes was more ear piercings...doubles and a helix. All new lingo for us. Doubles refers to a second set of holes located above the first set while a helix is in the top of the ear and in her case only on one side. As the helix goes through the cartilage,  the 'gun' is not used but rather a needle makes the hole! 

Anyway Ella was happy to get her piercings done and according to her the process wasn't too painful.

As for a party, Ella had a few friends sleepover - claiming they didn't get to sleep until 2am! Here's to the new era of staying up - at least they weren't noisy and the rest of us got a little more shut eye!

Sunday, April 25, 2021


The recent Photo Access school holiday workshop has spurred on Ella's internet in photography. Turns out that her wardrobe is a great spot for her shots to be displayed and admired!

Backgarden Addition

With my birthday money from Mum and Dad, I bought a weeping cheery tree as a feature tree for our back garden! Hopefully it will have some beautiful flowers in spring, which will look fantastic from Katy's window. The garden is slowly evolving and I have still much work to do.

Friday, April 23, 2021


AFL comes to Canberra.We joined Jase & co, Rob and Mira, Gareth to watch Western Bulldogs vs GWS Giants on a chilly Friday evening. We came prepared all rugged up - beanies, thermals and puffy jackets! The actual game was a close match for the first 3/4 but then the Bulldogs ran away with a clear victory in the last 1/4. A fun night out!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Winter Vege

Planted out some vege seedlings for winter.... red cabbage, spinach, a few varieties of lettuce, kale, broccoli and broad beans.

All growing well especially as Indi hasn't taken any interest in them!

 Week 1

 Week 3

 Week 5

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Is it a Dog or Unicorn?

I may have been know to dress up my first dog, a toy poodle called Tinkerbell and push her around in a pram, however since then I can't say I've ever been one to buy clothes for my dogs. Our girls though are a little like the younger me and seeing though times have very much changed, decided to dress Indi up. Specifically Katy bought Indi her very own costume / jumper - a pink unicorn suit. Despite the fact that it is a few sizes too small, Indi doesn't seem to mind wearing it, especially with the current drop in temperature and after the most recent haircut that was rather short...

Budding Photographers

Holiday programs are becoming a thing of the past. However last school holidays, both girls were keen to attend a 2 day photography course. The first day was spent at the Zoo trying to take interesting photos while the second day was based at the studio, digitally altering and improving their shots. They were encouraged to create a booklet or poster containing their favourite images.

Here is Katy's booklet - 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Hello to Hope and Gypsy

Our chicken coop received some new occupants this week! Hope (Rhode Island White) and Gyspy (Black Australorp) arrived in a cardboard box from Sydney. For a variety of reasons, we opted to buy pullets rather than chicks this time much to Katy's displeasure! 

Once inside the coop, the new duo seemed mostly happy. Willow and Maple were nice enough to their new friends. Hope made herself right at home very quickly - happily snuggling into the new chicken house. Gypsy was a little unsure - perching herself on the roof for the first night. By the second night she had worked out the house was much warmer and not so scary!

Friday, April 16, 2021

HB to Me

Having received a voucher to a health spa at the end 2019,  and not being able to use it in 2020 thanks to covid, I finally booked in to use it on my birthday. Looking forward to a body wrap and massage, I failed to realise that my birthday was in the school holidays so subsequently had to change my appointment. Instead, I spent my birthday with the girls - we had lunch out followed by a trip to the movies!

Monday, April 12, 2021

Sensational Autumn Morning

Dawn Drifters took Cath, Eoin and Aoife on an amazing balloon ride. Launching from southside, they drifted over the arboretum in their black balloon. I ran with Indi and Bekele to the top of Mt Painter to watch their flight and thought they may actually drift over the top of us! It wasn't to be though as they landed in the farmland to the north of the arboretum. The dogs and I stopped in for a coffee on the way home.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Chicken Coop Reno

Happy 10th Chicken Anniversary to us!!

Here is a recap on our chicken journey....

  • Jan 2011 - chickens arrive from neighbours - Molly and Rosie
  • July 2013 - while in the UK Rosie died and Holly arrived
  • Sept 2013 -  new chicken house built as neighbours returned from overseas and wanted their coop back
  • May 2014 - Molly died and Lollipop Legs (Lolly) arrived
  • March 2015 - chicken coop roof reno
  • April 2017 - Midnight and Maggie chicks arrive
  • Sept 2017 - Dreaded fox attack killed all the chickens
  • Oct 2017 - New improved and reinforced chicken coop
  • Oct 2017 - Maple, Jasmine, Willow, Clover, Rosemary and Mystery chicks arrive
  • Feb 2018 - Basil (nee Rosemary) and Juniper (nee Jasmine) depart as they began to crow!!
  • Oct 2018 - Clover died
  • Sometime in 2019 - Mystery died
Given that our remaining chickens Maple and Willow spend a large proportion of their time either being broody or not laying and under the pressure of Katy to get more chickens we cracked! However I said that if we were to get more chickens, we needed to increase the size of the chicken house.

This led to our latest reno of the chicken coop. After much discussion with Andy over designs including whether to use the current house as well as placement of the house (inside or on the outside of the coop) we finally made a decision. 

The new house was to be constructed using various parts of the old house but installed on to the inside of the fence with a door on the outside to access the eggs! As with previous improvements, we recycled as much as possible - thus this chicken coop has beautiful spotted gum hardware shelves as walls!

It was a full weekend of work with Indi as our foredog. By Sunday Willow and Maple were enjoying their new larger abode!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Puppy Opposites!

Bekele came for a sleepover while Cathy and co were away. The puppies were either play fighting, playing chasey, playing tug of war or sleeping. And then when I took them running they were polar opposites - Bekele was sleek, mechanical in his running style and intensely focussed on just going without any distractions. Meanwhile Indi was scruffy, bouncy and completely distracted about anything and everything! Made for interesting runs!

Indi was shattered by the time Bekele left!

Saturday, April 3, 2021


The postponed 2020 Easter 3 Days Orienteering Carnival was held this year near Orange. We were based at Canobolas scout camp on the outskirts of Orange with several other families. A great spot in terms of location - about 30 - 45min drive from each map and each time we passed this house, the dog was always asleep on the verandah of this house and plus a short walk to Lake Canobolas. 

The orienteering was challenging especially on Day 2 - the courses set too long in thick bush full of massive spiders! Only a handful of courses had the winner finishing under an hour and this includes the juniors!! 


Highlights of the long weekend include 

- Katy and her friends were all purchased new o tops 

- retreating to Lake Canobolas for a swim or paddle board (thanks to others who had brought these along). The kids had heaps of fun on the water! 

- Katywon W12 with a steady run on the last day; Andy placed 4th in M45; I pulled out on Day 3 so was a DNF and Ella was unable to go out at all due to her ankle recovery.