Thursday, April 28, 2022
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Happy Birthday Ella
15 today! Wow and no photo to prove it! It was the first day of Term 2 though which always make a birthday morning more complicated. Anyway Ella's pressies included black puffy, rock climbing shoes, grey trackies and some nice body care stuff.
Plus she treated herself to her third piercing (!) and a few weeks later breakfast out with friends.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Running Partners
While Ella was busy at throwing training, Katy joined Indi and I on a run. We did a lap around central basin of Lake Burley Griffin with Katy on her bike and Indi and I trying to keep up. It was a glorious day and lots of people and dogs were out having fun. Indi got to test the new water bottle Katy had bought her. It was a hit!
More Long Weekends, More Gardening!
The gardening slashing continued for a second long weekend. The acacia at the front had become too big, crowding the surrounding trees and plants. Sometime ago, I gave it a haircut in attempt to help those plants around it. Not sure it did much but recently I'd noticed that the very tips of the acacia were looking rather sad and dry. I suspect it was either coming to the end of its life or it hasn't liked the recent wet weather. Either way it gave me a reason to remove it! So another few trips to the green waste. I also took out another hydrangea making way for a third waratah.
The front garden looks very different without it - and especially now (as I write this post a month later) it looks sparse as the leaves have fallen from all the deciduous trees. I've taken more photos of the front for posterity sake as our neighbours house will be going soon...
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Getting Creative
Ella loves to sew and create. When she decides to do something she puts in all her energy and time into it. School holidays are a perfect time to do this especially when we are both at work. Ella's recent creation include -
a plethora of crocheted animals
a full circle skirt made from a sheet! It took several attempts at getting the waistband right!
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Another Year, Another Birthday
Next were a handmade presents from the girls - a crocheted whale from Ella and a frog made from clay and painted by Katy!
We ventured to blochaus for an afternoon bouldering session. Gareth, Jessica and Lewys joined us. The day finished with a relaxing dinner of burgers at Capital Brewing.

Friday, April 15, 2022
Easter Long Weekend
Easter long weekend allowed us time for gardening. First on the list was a clean up of the veggie patch; removal of the dying summer plants and then re stake the raspberry canes. This was followed by a trim of the crepe myrtles (one in the back and one in the front).

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Monday, April 11, 2022
Latest Splurge
We were hoping on our WA travels last year to pick up a painting, possibly an indigenous one that we could take back home. However everything that we looked at was lovely but wrong size or wrong colours Then I stumbled across WA artist Helen Ansell. Her artwork is bold and reminds me of many WA flowers and birds.

Saturday, April 9, 2022
Working Bee
The first weekend of the school holidays was spent relaxing working at the lodge. Opting not to drive for hours on end to Easter O in Queensland, this was our only trip of the holidays.
With a couple of late withdrawals, the working party was much smaller than previous years. We were joined at the lodge by the supervisor Tony S; the Walter/Jones clan and another family of 4. The jobs on the to-do-list included renovation of room 6; renovation of the downstairs toilet, shower and change area associated with the sauna, renovation of the main lounge area; removal of all the window pelmets; clean out and restock of the stores; firewood stacking; wombat digging clear out; garden weeding and general odd jobs as needed!
Jobs were divided up based on preferences and skills (if required). Rob and I did the reno of room 6; Andy took down the pelmets; Al, Max, Ella and Alma did the store restock run and clean up; Mira and Katy did the weeding of the front garden; Rob also cleaned out the wombat digging. A late decision saw Mira, Alma and Katy painting the bedheads of rooms 7, 8 and 9. The other family cleaned out the hidden ski dumping room; began on the downstairs reno as well as various odd jobs. Meanwhile Tony ran between jobs ensuring everyone was on task and happy plus problem solving as issues arose.

Saturday, April 2, 2022
Solo Saturday O
End of the Athletics Season
The final Saturday morning of little athletics was definitely not summery! The rain held off though as the girls enjoyed their last few events with their friends. It was a great group that included U 13 - U16 girls. Most weeks we averaged about 5 - 9 girls as someone was sick or away. It was also awesome that they were (mostly) happy to do the work :)