Garden is doing well - potatoes growing great, the various seedlings still surviving and the broad beans were harvested prior to the possums discovering that they were there and lots of parsley.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Garden, Nature and Animals
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Barunguba Island Tour
Our family plus Mira headed off on Friday afternoon down to the sleepy coastal town of Narooma. We found a new and delicious spot in Bateman's Bay for dinner - pizza and pasta overlooking the bay and also randomly bumped into friends!
Barunguba Island is about 9kms from Narooma, is home to large colonies of fairy penguins and fur seals plus numerous bird species. Our interest was sparked by the lure of snorkelling with the seals and so we booked a tour with Montague Island Adventures for Saturday afternoon.
There was a request for a sunrise viewing session on Saturday morning. Despite the low lying cloud on the horizon, the colours were still pretty and the eventually the sun peeked above the clouds.
Unfortunately our tour was cancelled mid morning due to strong winds and large swell. We were disappointed and decided to book for the next day. With our plans changed, we were at a loss as what to do. After much discussion and indecision and sitting around playing Block Crush, we settled on a trip to Tilba Tilba for a spot of shopping and lunch out.
On the way back, we found the most sheltered beach for a spot is swimming and beach combing. The blue bottles were out but luckily no-one got stung.

Monday, October 21, 2024
New Family Members!
Introducing - Beyonce, Soup, Penny, Groot and Ducky! We bought these 1-2 week old unsexed chicks from a lady in Gundaroo. They are all different breeds - grey australorp, silkie, wyandotte, araucana (who is suppose to lay blue eggs!) and a leghorn? For the next little while these tiny chicks need warmth and will therefore be housed in the laundry until their real feathers emerge.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Back Home
On our return home we discovered beautiful irises blooming and the vege patch doing well.
Both girls were exhausted and glad to have one more week before school started.Little aths began. Ella, who is now too old to participate, has taken on the coaching role of the 'On Track' program. This program is for the under 6 athletes introducing them to the basic skills of athletics in a fun way prior to incorporating them into the main program.
Katy is a stand in coach for the tiny tots - that's the 3-4 yr olds who do 45 mins a fun games. Both girls are enjoying these roles.
Sunday, October 6, 2024
OZ Champs Wrap Up
After another rest day so while Andy was working, Cath and I walked around another waterfall - Dangar Falls in Oxely Wild Rivers National Park. We bumped into several orienteers although not as many as on Monday. Our walk took us out and back to McDirty's Lookout giving very lovely views over the gorge.
The final events for the National Carnival were the Long Distance Champs and the Sprint.
The Long Distance Champs were held on Glenburnie, about 30mins southwest from Armidale on fairly open farmland with areas of complex granite. It was a long day out for Ella who completed her 8.4km course in 105 mins coming in 13th. Katy came 10th in W16; Andy 6th in M50 and I ran W45AS placing 2nd. It was an enjoyable area.
The final day was the Sprint at the University of New England. It was another warm day. The courses were fast and furious. Katy was 16th in W16; Ella 22nd in W20E; Andy 3rd in M50 and I was 10th in W50. We were all glad to finish and carnival but were not looking forward to the 8hr drive home. Andy and I took the slightly inland route to Singleton joining the freeway near Newcastle. The girls were on the ACT bus which took the same rally inland route back. Our drive was good and we arrived home by 8pm. the girls meanwhile rolled into Canberra at midnight!!