During the afternoon while Andy was re installing stuff on the home computer which decided to spit the dummy, I climbed up on the roof to clean out the gutters.

Sunday saw us venture out to orienteering - our club was responsible for the event at Ororral Crossing. I headed out on a short hard course while Andy was multi tasking (helping with the computer and looking after Ella). Can't say I enjoyed myself very much at all (neither did Andy on his long course). This area of Namadgi was burnt out a few years ago and the regrowth is very, very thick. On a positive note, the sun was shinning which meant Ella happily explored the assembly area in her new shoes. I believe they were very good for rock climbing! Patrick and Ingrid also turned up - they went around a blue course and afterwards had a picnic lunch. Ella thought their picnic lunch was pretty good too!

We finished off the weekend by having a few friends over for dinner - Andy cooked lamb shanks with apple & rhubarb crumble - YUM.
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