Friday, November 14, 2008

Meet Jerry ...

The latest news from here is that Ella will have a younger sibling (don't know which variety yet) in late May next year. Pre-birth name is Jerry -- but you'll have to ask Jase & Dave how the nickname came to be.


Anonymous said...

My guess was correct when the blog went quiet for a few weeks!

Congratulations! Hope all goes well for the rest of the pregnancy.

Christine, Dave and Emmaxx

Ella said...

Thanks guys :)
Yes the last month or so has not been that enjoyable with being really tired and having all day (morning) sickness. Hence why the blog did go quiet - I was just trying to cope with everyday life! Feeling much better recently so hopefully it's all in the past.....

Shannon said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Very exciting news :-)

sarahcis said...

woohoo ! great news ! congratulations

Zoe Lagana said...

Congratulations - now it will be DOUBLE the TROUBLE (well really double the FUN but that doesn't rhyme...)

Zoe,Dom, Gabe & Jonah

PS. Love the jumping video!