We got up early this morning, dropped Ella off at childcare and cruised into the hospital. Turned out that contractions were already starting, so with only a minor amount of medical intervention Nat was fully in labour by 11:00, and a brand new baby popped out at 1:12pm.
Her name is Kate Imogen Hogg, although to settle a long-running family dispute she will be called Katy for any purpose other than official documentation. (N.B. Nat has retained the right to call her Kate when she is in trouble, which surely won't be very often.) She has dimples -- a sign of her Mum -- with long dark hair --definitely not Mum. She weighed 3.6 kg, is 51 cm long and so far has been peaceful and happy.

Mum is also happy, and even Ella took a shine to her. Stay tuned for more updates.
Nat, Andy,
congratulations. Katy looks lovely
and I am pleased that everything went
Good work guys she is a cutie ! Congratulations Ella on becoming a big sister and welcome to the cold world Katy !
love from us allxx
Congratulations guys - that's fantastic news. Glad to hear it all went well and everyone's doing fine. Emma's already asking where the photo of Katy on our noticeboard is!
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