You go to the mall to buy a christmas tree, it's jammed packed with people and there are no christmas tree left (except for the white and purple ones?!) I did find this small (30cm) one for $3.50 which will do for this year. Will have to be more organised next year. On the plus side parking was a dream. Since we've been away, the multi storery carparks have been fitted out with new parking sensors. Hence on entering the signs inform you of how many parks are left on each level. Then above each carpark spot on the roof is a red/green light which indicates whether the spot is free (green) or not (red). Very cool!

So we have had two christmases since arriving home. The first was with Andy's family as his older sister Susie together with husband Patrick and children Joshua and Mia are having a white Christmas skiing in Switzerland. They are meeting up with Patricks dad, his brother and family. I think they should almost be there now having survived the long flight.
Anyway we all gathered at Nanna and Grandpa's house bringing food to share for dinner. Susie, Patrick, Josh and Mia as well as the kids opened their presents. A lovely but late night (which didn't matter for us as we were still on Perth time!)

Today it was the McSWASH Christmas Brunch. McSWASH stands for McCrae, Searle, Walter, Allison, Smith and Hogg families - 8 adults and 4 little girls. The morning began with presents for the girls followed by our secret santa for the adults. Then the feast began - homemade Stacey Searle bircher muesli (impressive and yummy), beautifully prepared fruit salad with yoghurt and some free range eggs from BA and essential bacon and bread from Em. Barista Andy made coffee. Thomas cooked the bacon and eggs on the BBQ being closely supervised the BBQ master Dave. After devouring all the food it was playing for the girls and relaxing on the deck for the adults.

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