We hatched plans several months ago to return to Thredbo for the New Years Eve weekend. Last time we did this was PK (pre-kids), and long runs, long coffee stops and sleep-ins were the order of the day. This time around there was a kids flat (us and the McCraes) with the Walders and Searles staying next door in the "sleep-in" flat. I didn't count the hours, but when daytime sleeps were included, I'm certain those in the SI flat got double the amount of sleep we did.

Nonetheless, it was a fun weekend. We took Ella & Katy on a little bushwalk, and for a total 20 mins of the walk (in three spurts) Ella trooped along with hands on hips looking like a real bushwalker. Katy seemed fascinated and waved her hands around excitedly for most of the time, until she got chafing on her cheeks from rubbing against the baby bjorn. Other activities included a trip to the pool on the ra

iniest day, daily expeditions to the Thredbo Village playground and playing on the stairs in the flat. For the most part the 4 kids got along well and Ella hasn't stopped talking about Abby and Zoe since we got home.
A few other milestones this week. Firstly, Katy got her first teeth -- now has both bottom teeth poking through. (A side-effect of this was a bit of teething pain which we held responsible for an almost complete cessation of milk-drinking and had us worried for a while.)

Secondly, we've taken the plunge and switched Katy's seat in the car so she can face forward like a real person! First time around she burst into tears, but now seems to be pretty happy that she can see us while we're driving.
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