Friday, March 5, 2010


There seems to be a thief in our house who likes to chew the eyes off any soft toy that happens to by lying around on the floor. Seeing though neither Andy nor I like chewing soft toys; Katy only has three teeth and Ella well she has a good appetite which revolves mainly around pasta, it leaves only 1 other person (actually dog) in the house - Pippa!

Pippa is usually good about leaving the girls soft toys alone. I think one or two may have become hers and a few have had a tour around the back garden. However lately I have noticed that Pippa takes out a soft toy from the bottom shelf of Ella's bookcase, only chews the hard eye out then leaves the toy and the eye on Ella's rug. The emus are all now blind and today Pippa's latest victim was the leopard!

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