Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Spy

Over the Easter weekend Ella surprised me by wanting to play I spy! Not sure who she learnt it off but I think she needs a little more practice - don't you?

Translation for those who can't understand Ella

Ella - I spy with my little eye something beginning with P
Nat - Is it people?
Ella - No
Nat - Is it a plum?
Ella - Yes!
Nat - But where is the plum?
Ella - At home!!


Neil said...

Ella might need a bit of practice but clearly you
don't how did you know it was a plum? Unless
you were cheating.


Ella said...

Hi Neil

This was actually about the third time that we played I spy (on the letter P with plum being the answer) so it was pretty predictable that it was plum!!! I'm just glad I caught it on video!

On another separate occasion one of her answers didn't begin with the letter she had said so there's a long way to go....good practice for long car drives!
