Our flight last night to Perth went really well. As Jase said yesterday while we were having coffee with Emily a few hours prior to leaving Canberra 'The worst thing ends up being not the flight itself but the anticipation of what it will be like.' Pretty much sums it up!
We left Canberra 10 minutes late at 7.40pm. We were one of the last ones on and as we walked down the isle several people were surprised I was travelling by myself, how brave I was, how cute the girls are as well as a few 'knowing pity' looks. I eventually reached our seats and fortunately the seat next to us was free - YAH!
The first half an hour Ella played with the Qantas Mr Happy bag containing pencils and paper. Then her dinner came - lasagne which she normally loves but not this time. She picked at the bread roll, drank some juice and had a few spoonfuls of yoghurt.
After deciding that she didn't want to have any more food, I reached for the special newly-purchased-for-the-plane-trip clip textas to do some drawing. These entertained Ella for some time. Ella thought it was more fun clipping them together and taking their lids off therefore she got more textas marks on her pjs than the paper!
Meanwhile Katy was content to be sitting discovering all the things within her reach. Katy's eyes began to droop and she began sucking her pony and blanket (an indication that sleep is imminent). I was thinking whoo hoo - one nearly down by 8.45pm. Then the dinner trolley came by and instantly Katy was WIDE awake!
Time for the Winnie and Tigger DVD to come out. Ella enjoyed watching the new episodes of the Super Sleuths. My ideal plan was for Ella to fall asleep while watching this (hopefully before the DVD player ran out of batteries!) Meanwhile Katy was slowly getting more frustrated with not being able to fall asleep - the cracks were appearing! I thought a bottle may do the trick so arranged for some warm water. Made up the bottle and Katy sucked away drinking 3/4 bottle and drifted off to sleep - at 9.45!
Ella was still wide awake watching her show. Tired signs began to emerge - she started playing with the buttons on the DVD player and adjusting the screen to all different angles. Then at about 10.15pm she said she wanted to turn it off to go to sleep - a big surprise to me! We turned it off, pulled a blanket over her, cuddled her and that was that!
Looking at both girls asleep on my lap was a lovely moment and I wished I could have taken a photo. I decided I should nap too with only just over an hour till we touched down. The next challenge was how I would get the 2 sleepy girls off...luckily a air hostess came to my rescue and we disembarked last off the plane at midnight. Nanna and Grandpa were at the gate waiting for us and they got big smiles from the now awake girls!
Needless to say we are all tired today but that doesn't matter cause we get to play with Nanna all day while Grandpa is at work!