OMG!!! A new height in tantrums has emerged.....I was taken by surprise to say the least.
The setting - the local shopping centre.
The problem/trigger - Ella wanting to go to the toilet and me choosing the disabled one as I had the pram with Ella in it. She wanted to go to the girls!
Solution - Going into the girls but then going into the *wrong* cubicle only magnified the situation. Went into the *right* cubicle but now Ella was in full flight and couldn't manage to concentrate on going to the toilet so I decided it was time to go home. Situation magnified to another level. Manhandled Ella into the pram where she was bucking like she was at a rodeo!
Of course there were lots of tears and screaming/yelling too! Out to the car we went with lots of staring from members of the public and a few sorry looks. Manhandled Ella into car where she had calmed down slightly. The 5 minute drive home calmed her down another notch and the 5 minutes while I got Katy out of the car and into the house calmed her down another notch. I took her straight into the bedroom and we laid down and read some stories before Ella sobbed herself to sleep.
I woke Ella up after about an hour as Grandpa had come home to open his birthday presents and have cake. Ella was back to her normal self. She loved fooling around with Uncle Daryl too.

Later that evening Nanna and Grandpa went out for dinner with friends leaving at 6.30pm. They arrived back home at 9pm just as I was coming out of the bedroom. It was a long and teary bedtime routine with Ella and at one point waking Katy up with her crying. I thought I had seen that part coming but still couldn't avoid the storm - just had to ride it out! And I thought it was supposed to be the terrible twos??
I think this day will go down in history - like the one when Ella decided to give up her day sleeps when Katy was 5 weeks old. Lets just hope tomorrow is a better day :)
1 comment:
Tomorrow always is a better day, and if not tomorrow will be....Keep smiling:)
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