Ella had a short childcare day on Friday so we could enjoy Floriade in the beautiful sunshine. The patting zoo was a real hit and this year the children we able to hold rabbits, guinea pigs and chicks.

Saturday saw us mulch the garden and fill the sandpit.

Orienteering at Picaree Hill was on Sunday. Grandad, Nat and the girls completed the 2km blue course - Ella on her bike and Katy in the backpack. On the way home we stopped for coffee at Cork St Cafe in Gundaroo with Al, Rob and kids.

Monday was a childcare day for both girls but we picked them up just after lunch to have a final play with Grandad before he got on the big plane back home to Perth. We planted some plants in the garden - a tree fern and birds nests under the shade of the hakea as well as several natives - boronia, melaleuca, correa and a banksia.
While Grandad was here, we moved Katy's cot into Ella's room so the girls were together. Worked fairly well for the majority of the nights - that is the ones when Katy slept through! Needless to say after Grandad left, Katy was returned to her own room!!
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