After having spent the last week in the wilderness that is vodafone coverage, we have returned to blog-land. But rather than deluge you all with a week's worth of stories in one hit, we've decided for a trickle-feed strategy ...
The first part of our adventure was getting to Currarong. The Canberra-Jervis Bay trip has always had two clear options -- the southern route out to Bateman's Bay and up the coast, or the northern route up to Moss Vale and down through Kangaroo Valley. However, we had heard whispers and rumours that the Nerriga-Nowra road is now fully sealed, making the direct route viable (and faster) even on the rain-sodden day that was last Monday.

It turned out that the rumours were true, if somewhat deceptive. Yes, the Nerriga-Nowra road is now sealed, and beautiful, with spectacular sandstone along much of the route and a great waterfall (only partly visible in the mist, see picture). What they didn't tell us was that the road
before Nerriga remains unsealed, and is populated by logging trucks and huge potholes. Also, the authorities are yet to take down the signs warning that "the Nerriga-Nowra road is unsuitable for 2WD vehicles, especially in wet weather", giving us unnecessary cause for concern. Anyway, all turned out well and we arrived at our holiday house with a very dirty car but otherwise unscathed...
Stay tuned for more.
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