Most recently though our frustration levels have almost reached boiling point and it's all to do with toilet training. You see the most frustrating thing is that Ella pretty much decided to toilet train herself just before she was 2. We had very few accidents and in fact NO number 2 accidents at all. Then Katy came along and Ella decided that you got more attention when you had a nappy on so she reverted back into nappies for about 3 weeks before deciding she was a big girl again. Life was going great and I was thinking this toilet training business is easy!
Now several months after Katy was born Ella moved from the toddler room into the preschool room. She transitioned beautifully. Now for some reason unknown to us, she would occasionally bring home some wet clothes. We weren't too concerned - it's a big change moving rooms, having lots of fun and trying to keep up with the big kids! She'll sort herself out. The accidents then moved from childcare days and into days at home. Hmm not good but we're still not too worried and keep ignoring these accidents.
Late last year we thought probably after a bad day, of introducing a rewards chart. The reward for having 5 continuous dry days was a fairy outfit - wings, wand and skirt. Now things improved slightly. A few dry days here and there. Ella was even up to day 4 at one point. Then shortly after this the reward chart from her bedroom wall disappeared. In hindsight 5 days was too long.
Now Santa decided to take Ella's nighttime nappies leaving a nightie and hula hoop in return. There was hope that perhaps a dry night could help with the day stuff. After 2 weeks of listening to the washing machine do another load of sheets and mattress protectors we cracked! Ella nights were getting worse and she was tired from having interrupted sleep. Santa sent Ella a package containing a letter and 2 nappies!
In review, tactics have included ignoring/not making a fuss, lots of conversations about feeling full, who is out of nappies, being wet and smelly to a rewards system. Nothing seems to have worked so now time for a new tactic - removal of a special thing, i.e. an icy pole/ice cream which Ella is allowed a few times per week. The new rule is Ella is allowed an icy pole for dessert (every night!) but only if she has had a dry day. It's now the second day of this new plan and the icy poles have stayed in the freezer!
Looks like she is very determined (or stubborn?) wanting to do things her own way and in her own time. As far as we are concerned now, we're not reminding or prompting her but will change her when necessary and the icy pole reward will remain. Hopefully things will right themselves sooner rather than later. Suggestions are most welcome :)
1 comment:
We were having similar problems with Alex. he was refusing to wear a nappy at night - so for a week we tried with the brolly sheets (brilliant invention saves quite a bit of time doing the washing). We all ended up tired and grumpy so we convinced him to try again when he is 4.
However there has been the 1 night where someone forgot to put a nappy on and he woke up dry..... much to our suprise... and his.
I did some reading and it all came down to when they are ready not you. And lapsing back into nappies is normal. Anyways we will try again later this year when he kicks up a stink about nappies again Im sure !
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