Saturday, March 19, 2011

More on the Weekend

The rest of the weekend turned into a bit of a struggle. Andy had been sick for nearly 10 days with a mancold which he thought was getting better and decided to go running only to relapse and feel even worse. Therefore there was no orienteering for him. I entered the middle distance at Bruce Ridge/CIT - my first run in a long while and no injuries so that was good. The girls had fun running around, picking flowers and playing with Aoife and all the other little people. We finished the morning with an ice cream and headed home.

Back at home was really when the fun began. Andy was feeling terrible so he took himself off to bed. Katy went down for her normal 1.5hr post lunch nap. Ella and I watched some tv, hung out the washing, read a book or two then Ella started complaining of a sore tummy. A little while later Ella ran off to the toilet and heaved up everything thankfully it all landing in the toilet bowl! She was a little flat but felt much better. What was left of the afternoon was very low key.

As Aoife, Cath and Eoin were having dinner at Nadine's place, we got into our normal eat, bath and bed routine. Katy was asleep in no time and while I hung out more washing Ella fell asleep on Andy's chest. Both girls asleep by 7.15pm - unbelievable! Cath and Eoin returned just before 8pm with a sleepy Aoife. This night was a stark contrast to the previous one!

Sunday's orienteering event was a long distance on one of the local hills. As I'd not entered and Andy being sick we stayed at home. A good call - Andy spent all morning in bed, Ella was still a little off colour and I was beginning to struggle. Thankfully after lunch, Andy miraculously perked up and I started going downhill. Sleeping for 3 hours (which felt like 30mins) didn't feel like it made much difference. I was beginning to worry too as I had agreed to work at our Queanbeyan site the next day. It was Canberra Day (a public holiday) in ACT but Canberra Imaging Group has two sites in NSW - Goulburn and Queanbeyan and requested for volunteers to work on the public holiday. Great opportunity to earn 3 days pay in one! I shouldn't have worried - woke up the next morning feeling fine and went off to work to find the list hadn't filled up :) Always a bonus as then you don't have to squeeze urgent scans into non existent spots.

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