So much for good old pencils and paper! Gen Z is apparently highly connected, many having a lifelong use of communications and media technologies. Ella is definitely living in that zone - skyping her grandparents in Perth, wanting to look up Princesses on the computer, watching our GPS dot in google maps on the iphone while driving around Melbourne, loving taking photos just to list a few things....
Tonight while I was busying putting Katy to bed, I could hear Andy and Ella playing around on Andy's newest toy - his ipad. Now that both girls are in bed almost asleep and I've finished cleaning up, it was time to check my computer. My inbox contained an email titled Love from Ella. Completed on penultimate (an app that allows you to draw with your finger or a special pen on the screen) here is the attachment -

A beautiful drawing of a fairy in front of her house!
Sounds like a good excuse to bring one back from my trip to the States next week!
who gave the fairy a black eye?
Dave - it's one advantage of Andy going to the US as he always bring stuff back. His trip in June will definitely involve a visit to REI.
Cathy - maybe it's a pirate fairy? I love watching her grow up. One of yesterdays drawing was story like with nemo, ariel (both getting married and as a mermaid) as well as the wicked seawitch all making appearances!
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