Tuesday, August 23, 2011


On my last days of enforced sick leave, I have had numerous appointments - follow up with the surgeon, routine post surgery physio stuff, haircut.... However yesterday Katy had to visit the dentist. What I had originally mistake as weetbix on her front left tooth was in fact the tooth becoming grey. It's been a few weeks since her face plant which resulted in a very big fat lip (see Falling Apart) and with the change in colour I was concerned that the tooth was dying. The paediatric dentist was fabulous although Katy didn't really want him to come too close. He ended up getting a good look in when she started crying!! All good news with the tooth. He believes she has bruised the tooth and like a bruise anywhere else on the body will resolve, resulting in the tooth changing back to it's original colour. We'll head back for another check up in 3 months - hopefully Katy won't be as scared next time.

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