It all began in mid June while Andy was holidaying in the US (sorry typo there...working in the US) and Dad was visiting, the washing machine broke flooding the house resulting in the floorboards warping. After investigating our house insurance we decided to pay $250 (saving ourselves $4750) to have the entire house sanded and resealed.
The downside was the floor guy giving us 3 days notice to start the job. So with Andy arriving home from holidaying (oops working) in Rome on Saturday morning we had exactly 48 hours to move house! Floorboards are throughout the house except for the bathroom, laundry and toilet so it was going to be a massive job shifting. We packed as much as we could into the bathroom and laundry with everything else going into the double garage.

Sunday night saw us settle into Andy's parents house for the week. It was really lovely staying with them. Having dinner cooked, washing done as well as playing with the girls. On one day cousins Mia and Josh came over for a play resulting in Nana whipping up some beanbags!!
The floorboards were completed by Thursday and the painter came in on Friday to paint the skirting boards. In my wisdom I decided that while the furniture was out it was a good time to paint the lounge which I've wanted to do since moving in 4 yrs ago! Andy then suggested that perhaps the dining room oh and the hallway could be done!!!
For 8 hours on Saturday it was all systems go - tape, paint and clean - enjoyable but tiring. We also managed to move the majority of stuff back into the house once the girls were asleep. With the gym extravaganza on Sunday morning, the afternoon was taken up with more shifting, unpacking and reorganising. The finishing touches were complete on Monday night.
The floorboards were sealed with a different finish than before which allows the variation of colour in the pine to show through. It is also much lighter resulting in an airier feel to the house. So we're really happy with the change but boy do we need a holiday to recover!!
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