Katy said goodbye to the Lilli Pilli's and hello t
o Sundews at childcare last week. Her transition into the toddler room was much smoother than Ella's probably because she is older but also being a Lilli Pilli allowed more exposure to the big kids without actually being one. She prefers to wear undies to childcare but often ends up coming home in a nappy - we still haven't crack the weeing in the toilet part despite her amazing ability to hold on until around lunchtime.
Not sure if it's linked to the recent move at childcare but Katy has decided that using scissors is fun. In fact her favourite current pastime is to cut up a piece of paper into as many small pieces as possible!
Sleeps during the day for Katy have disappeared. She still can't manage
to stay awake for the whole afternoon though hence Katy's cat nap does the trick - that is a 10- 20mins sleep usually in the car on the way home from somewhere.
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