Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dear Mrs Librarian

Did you know I am really great at using scissors? Especially now that I use every spare minute of the day to cut things into little pieces. While mum was out running the other morning and dad was still sleeping I decided to cut some knots out of my hair. Dad wasn't too impressed when he discovered the clump of hair on the study floor but I thought I'd done a great job. Mum was even less impressed (I'm not sure if it was with me or Dad) when she got home from running and took me straight into the bathroom to even me up! Luckily I have such curly hair so Mum's hairdressing didn't need to be too perfect (unlike Ella who had to go to the hairdresser!)

Anyway after that effort, Mum and Dad told me I was only allowed to use my scissors to cut paper. So today I was happily cutting away at my multi coloured paper that had some writing and drawing on it. I hadn't done too much when Mum came over to check out what I was doing. Then she got really mad - I mean I couldn't understand why as I was doing my best cutting and had chopped up three pages into lots of pieces. Mum sat me down and gave me another 'what you are allowed to cut using scissors' talk. Now I know that I'm not allowed to cut hair or books.

I am really sorry that I have broken your book. Mum said she would talk to you to about getting it fixed. I hope you will still let me borrow books from your library as I really like reading.

Love Katy

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